Your Risk Analysis is Complete—Now What?

It isn’t enough to complete a risk analysis

Your organization needs a strategy for responding to risks and vulnerabilities, tracking the remediation, and demonstrating risk reduction over time. This is when your risk management strategy delivers real value, positioning you to protect your organization, mature your organization’s security posture, and drive meaningful risk conversations with your board and executives.

Risk Analysis to Risk Reduction

A well-developed cyber risk management program transcends the application of the latest controls or responses to trends like ransomware—it demands a deep understanding of an organization’s unique threats and vulnerabilities so that resources can be allocated wisely to mitigate these risks over time.

A Step-by-Step Approach

This guide was developed to help healthcare leaders understand an approach to asset-based risk analysis and the steps they can take to achieve and demonstrate reduced cyber risk. Learn about the step-by-step approach that makes risk management more effective.