Eye on OCR – Take-Aways from 2020 and Insights on Early 2021 Activity

This presentation is a recording of a webinar given on 2/18/2021 by Clearwater’s Chief Risk Officer & SVP Consulting Services, Jon Moore.


While Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforcement activity was limited in the weeks immediately following the onset of the pandemic, 2020 ultimately proved to be a very active year for the regulatory agency with the number of announced settlements related to HIPAA violations reaching a new high.

The early days of 2021 have brought more from OCR with a $5.3 million settlement announcement on the heels of the U.S. Court of Appeals vacating MD Anderson’s $4.3 million penalty relating to a HIPAA violation.

What can we learn from these latest developments and the flurry of activity we saw in the latter part of 2020? And what to make of the bill (H.R. 7898) passed by Congress in December to mitigate penalties for potential HIPAA violations?

Clearwater’s Chief Risk Officer and Head of Consulting Services Jon Moore will review the major cases and actions over the last 12 months and share key take-aways and insights. Attendees will learn:

  • The privacy and security concerns that are most top of mind for OCR
  • What the MD Anderson decision is likely to mean for civil money penalties moving forward
  • What is likely to qualify as “recognized security practices” under H.R. 7898

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