HIPAA Compliance and Cybersecurity Building Blocks for Digital Health Companies

This presentation is a recording of a web event given on 6/23/2022 by Clearwater’s Director, Cybersecurity Consulting, George W. Jackson, Jr. and Founder & President, CaringWays, Kristi Morrow.


Growing any tech company involves incredible vision, talent, resources, and strategy. Growing a digital health company involves all of the above plus HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity requirements not required in less regulated industries. Understanding how HIPAA’s Security Rule affects business associates and exactly how to ensure compliance is a tall order for executives whose expertise lies in the innovation and technology they bring to the market—but not necessarily in the details of HIPAA and cybersecurity.

In this webinar, Clearwater’s Director of Cybersecurity Consulting Services sits down with CaringWays Founder and President, Kristi Morrow, for a conversation about the HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity building blocks digital health companies should be putting in place as they work towards their other milestones and why they’re so important.

Learn more about:

  • CaringWays’ HIPAA compliance and cybersecurity journey: how they started, and lessons learned along the way
  • What digital health companies should consider as they get started and how that changes over time
  • How CaringWays manages cybersecurity and HIPAA compliance on an ongoing basis and advice for those who are just getting started

Watch the Replay

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