MATTER Lunch n’ Learn: Compliance in Healthcare Device & Application Design On-Demand

Compliance in Healthcare Device & Application Design

This presentation is a recording of a web event hosted by MATTER and sponsored by Clearwater, given on 3/8/2022 by Clearwater principal consultant, Nathan Walker.


Concern for safely and securely handling protected health information (PHI) continues to grow as cyberattacks proliferate throughout the healthcare industry. Federal regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provide guidelines to help ensure that healthcare providers, institutions, and their business partners take necessary steps to protect patients and their data.

While it’s clear what health providers should do to ensure PHI remains secure, the role of medical device manufacturers and digital health companies in this effort is inadequately understood. PHI exposure often comes with investigations, loss of business, lawsuits, and compensation to affected clients. Understanding HIPAA compliance, incorporating control features, and securing your information pipeline are vital to your business.

During this lunch and learn, Nathan Walker, a principal consultant with healthcare’s leading cybersecurity and consulting company Clearwater and a former information security manager with FUJIFILM Healthcare Americas, provides insight on how to build information protection into healthcare device and application design to maintain compliance with HIPAA and other regulations.

Watch the Replay

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