Protecting Patient Health Information: The MIPS Requirement for Security Risk Analysis

This presentation is a recording of a web event given on 8/18/2022 by Clearwater Principal Consultant, Andy Petrovich


You’ve most likely heard of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and might even be participating in it already. It’s one of two payment tracks under the Medicare Quality Payment Program and is a system used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to measure eligible clinician performance and reward high-value, low-cost care.

To fulfill MIPS requirements and receive the associated incentives, healthcare organizations must complete a Security Risk Analysis annually at minimum, and they should continually review and update the analysis to address any changes in technology or practice operations throughout the year.

During this webinar, Clearwater Principal Consultant Andy Petrovich reviews the MIPS specifications for risk analysis and discusses how they align with HIPAA compliance requirements. He also discusses how risk analysis ties to Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides that are designed to help healthcare providers and the organizations that support them assess and optimize the safety and safe use of electronic health records.

Lean more about:

  • How MIPS has evolved through COVID-19
  • The MIPS objective for risk analysis and the steps that need to be taken to address it
  • What happens if you are audited, including the documentation you’ll need to provide

Watch the Replay

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