Understanding OCR-Quality® Risk Analysis: A Discussion with Former OCR Director Roger Severino

This presentation is a recording of a web event given on 9/30/2021 by Clearwater’s Executive Chairman, Bob Chaput and Former OCR Director Roger Severino.


Join Roger Severino, described as the longest tenured and most transformational Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Director in the agency’s history and now a Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Bob Chaput, Clearwater Executive Chairman, in an interactive presentation and discussion of the regulatory, legal, social, and ethical importance of OCR-Quality® Risk Analysis and Risk Management.

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued “Guidance on Risk Analysis Requirements under the HIPAA Security Rule” in July 2010.  Yet, healthcare entities struggle to perform this foundational compliance requirement, critical cyber risk management step and socially responsible action. Phase I and II HIPAA audits and over 100 OCR enforcement actions continue to show that nearly 90% of healthcare organizations have failed to meet the HIPAA Risk Analysis requirement and around 80% of these organizations failed to meet the HIPAA Risk Management requirement.

Learn the root causes of these adverse findings and, more importantly, learn exactly what OCR expects in your HIPAA risk analysis and risk management plans.

This on-demand web event is designed to help covered entities and business associates understand and act on the specific Risk Analysis and Risk Management requirements included in the HIPAA Security Rule.

3 Key Learning Objectives:

  • Gain insight from OCR’s longest tenured Director Roger Severino, who just left the Office in January of this year
  • Cite specific regulatory requirements for ongoing risk analysis and risk management
  • Leverage important lessons-learned from OCR Settlement Agreements / Corrective Action Plans

Watch the Replay

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