Healthcare Defender: Francois Bodhuin, CISO, Inspira Health

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In healthcare, safeguarding cybersecurity is safeguarding patients. Whether it’s a hospital, health system, physician group, or a trusted digital health partner, when healthcare is attacked, patients are at risk. 

Join us all month as we feature some of healthcare’s fiercest defenders. They’re leaders from across the ecosystem fighting to protect data, systems, and care delivery. Join us to hear how they started, why they chose healthcare, and their advice for other leaders in their spaces. 

Today’s featured healthcare defender is Francois Bodhuin, CISO for Inspira Health. Francois has worked for Inspira for over 30 years and shares how he found his way to healthcare early in his career. He also talks about the importance of information security leaders being safe and secure enablers within their organizations because when you simply act as a roadblock, the business will just find an unsafe way around it. Francois packed a lot into this short conversation, enjoy!

Cybersecurity is patient safety. Do your part, be a healthcare defender. 

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