Healthcare Defender: Jaime Cifuentes, Director, Physician Practice Management Groups, Clearwater

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In healthcare, safeguarding cybersecurity is safeguarding patients. Whether it’s a hospital, health system, physician group, or a trusted digital health partner, when healthcare is attacked, patients are at risk. 

Join us all month as we feature some of healthcare’s fiercest defenders. They’re leaders from across the ecosystem fighting to protect data, systems, and care delivery. Join us to hear how they started, why they chose healthcare, and their advice for other leaders in their spaces. 

Today’s featured healthcare defender is Jaime Cifuentes, Clearwater’s Director of Physician Practice Management Groups. Jaime talks about his 20-plus years in information technology and security, how he got started, and some thoughts for others in similar roles. Enjoy!

Cybersecurity is patient safety. Do your part, be a healthcare defender. 

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