by admin | Aug 16, 2022 | Blog, Case Studies
How a Fast-Growing Group of Autonomous Physicians Manages Cyber Risk “There’s a segment of doctors out there who want to be business owners; they don’t want to be employed by a hospital or large Medical Group because they enjoy having autonomy and...
by admin | May 26, 2022 | Blog, Case Studies
Redefining Cyber Risk Management “We knew there were better strategies than rushing through a risk assessment at the end of every year to check a compliance box,” says Jackie Mattingly, CISO at Owensboro Health. Mattingly explained that using an isolated...
by admin | May 10, 2022 | Blog, White Papers
Introduction Blood sugar monitors. Smartwatches. Heart monitors. Weight and exercise trackers. In the last several years, healthcare has seen an explosion in the adoption and usage of smart and connected health devices and their apps, both from clinical and consumer...