Understanding What Constitutes OCR-Quality Risk Analysis®

Understanding What Constitutes OCR-Quality Risk Analysis®

In the first half of 2019, there were 223 reported breaches affecting 10.2 million individuals, an increase of 167% over the same period in 2018. These figures do not include the widely publicized American Medical Collections Agency breach, which is estimated to have...
Understanding the True Cost of a Data Breach

Understanding the True Cost of a Data Breach

Clearwater recently conducted a webinar on the true cost of a data breach for a healthcare organization. Our CFO Baxter Lee enumerated the breach statistics and presented examples on notification costs, legal costs, OCR fines, state settlements, lawsuits, customer...
Key Takeaways From Breakfast & Breaches® | D.C.

Key Takeaways From Breakfast & Breaches® | D.C.

Key Takeaways From Breakfast & Breaches™ | DC Clearwater’s recent Breakfast & Breaches event in Washington, DC brought together an outstanding group of leaders with unique insight on the growing problem of how to keep protected health information secure....