Bob Chaput

Bob Chaput is the author of Enterprise Cyber Risk Management as a Value Creator and Stop the Cyber Bleeding. He is the founder, former CEO, and executive chair of Clearwater Security, an award-winning provider of managed security services and cyber risk management and compliance solutions. Chaput has worked with board members and C-suite executives at dozens of organizations, including Fortune 100 organizations and federal and state government agencies.

Chaput dedicates his time to educating industry leaders about the importance of cyber risk management and the changing regulatory environment through articles, presentations, teaching, a YouTube channel, and webinars. In addition to his two books, he was a contributing author to two books: Wolters Kluwer’s Health Law and Compliance Update and the American Society for Health Care Risk Management’s Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals. His insights regarding cyber risk management have also been published in dozens of periodicals, including Modern Healthcare, CISO Mag, the Health Care Compliance Association’s Compliance Today, HealthITSecurity, HealthcareInfoSecurity, and The Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity. He has been recognized as a 2024 CyberCrime Magazine Cybersecurity Pundit Industry Expert.

He has delivered presentations on the topic of cybersecurity and cyber risk management for the American Hospital Association and at the National HIPAA Summit, the Health Care Compliance Association’s Managed Care Compliance Conference and their Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Conference, the Association of Healthcare Internal Auditor’s Annual Conference, the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives’s CIO Summit, the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Security’s Annual Conference.

Beyond his more than 40 years of experience in the field, Chaput is an inveterate learner. Chaput, who holds numerous risk management, privacy, and security professional certifications, most recently earned the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Certified Professional credential.

Chaput has served on HealthCare’s Most Wired Survey Governance Board and as a board member of the Association for Executives in Healthcare Information Security. He was also a member of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives, the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, the Health Care Compliance Association, the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, and the Information Systems Security Association.

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