Texas Hospital Association Announces Healthcare Cybersecurity Leader Bob Chaput as Keynote Speaker at April Conference

Clearwater Compliance CEO to Address Cyber Risk and Patient Safety

April 10, 2018

NASHVILLE, Tenn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Join hospital cybersecurity expert and Chief Executive Officer of Clearwater ComplianceBob Chaput, as the keynote speaker at the first annual Texas Health Security and Technology Conference to be held April 19-20 in Austin, Texas. Chaput will address critical steps hospital leaders can take to head off new, emerging enterprise risks and help hospital leaders transform their cybersecurity and risk management strategies.

WHAT: 1st Annual THA Texas Health Care Security and Technology Conference: Keynote Address, “First, Do No Harm!”
WHEN: April 19-20, 2018: Keynote Speaker – 8:45 to 9:45 a.m.CDT on Thursday, April 19 in Austin, Texas
HOW: Register HERE
WHO: Texas hospital CIOs and CISOs
Rural Texas hospital leaders at various levels focused on building cybersecurity and risk management resilience across the enterprise

With the vision of the eHealth Exchange and digitization of healthcare, the industry and patients anticipate great advances in patient engagement, healthcare outcomes and quality of care. At the same time, healthcare’s advancements in ensuring privacy and security of sensitive information and biomedical devices through better cyber risk management are not keeping pace. In fact, the promises of digitization carry unintended consequences and concerns about patient safety and new potential forms of medical professional liability. It’s not about HIPAA compliance and it’s not just an “IT problem.” Attend and learn about critical steps we must all take to head off these new, emerging enterprise risks.

About Clearwater Compliance

Clearwater Compliance, LLC is a leading provider of hospital and health system compliance and cyber risk management solutions. Its mission is to empower hospitals and health systems to successfully manage healthcare’s evolving cybersecurity risks and ensure patient safety. Exclusively endorsed by the American Hospital Association, Clearwater solutions have been deployed within hundreds of hospitals and health systems, Fortune 100 organizations and federal government institutions. More information about Clearwater Compliance is at www.clearwatercompliance.com

Media Contact

Kriste Goad | kriste@growwithfuoco.com | (615) 440-9049


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