Complying with HIPAA in an Amazon Web Services Environment

This presentation is a recording of a web event given on 5/19/2022 by Clearwater’s Director, Cloud Security Services, Ryan Semerau.


Many digital health companies are building their solutions on Amazon Web Services (AWS), choosing it for its powerful functionality and cost savings. For companies creating, receiving, maintaining or transmitting ePHI on behalf of their covered entity (CE), healthcare customers, they are “business associates”. In other words, they need to comply with HIPAA and should expect to execute a business associate agreement with each one of their healthcare customers.

For many health IT companies, this is uncharted territory and outside the scope of their expertise. Clearwater’s Director of Cloud Security Services, Ryan Semerau, discusses the basics of the HIPAA Security Rule and how it applies in an AWS environment.

He will cover:

  • The administrative, physical, and technical safeguards you need to consider as part of the HIPAA Security Rule
  • HIPAA in the Cloud and AWS specific requirements
  • Creating a business associate relationship with AWS
  • Flexibility in the architecture of your solution(s)

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