Healthcare and the DoD: Preparing for CMMC Compliance

Does your organization handle electronic protected health information (ePHI)? Does your organization have contracts with the Department of Defense (DoD) or plan to work with the DoD in the future?

If you responded yes to these questions, then your organization is among those that have an upcoming Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) requirement. Established by the DoD to enforce protection of sensitive information that is shared by the Department with its contractors and subcontractors, CMMC is in final rulemaking and is expected to go into effect in early 2025. Once the rule is finalized, organizations that store, process, and/or transmit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), like ePHI, and serve as DoD contractors, will need at least a CMMC Level 2 certification.

Check out this on-demand webinar to learn the steps that healthcare organizations are taking to prepare for compliance with CMMC. Experts from Redspin, a division of Clearwater and a leading cybersecurity partner in the CMMC ecosystem, will review:

  • The CMMC Program: Why CMMC was established, an overview of the controls, the rulemaking process, and compliance timelines,
  • Implementation Strategies & Best Practices: How to determine if you will need certification, how to get started, and commonly missed controls.

Presented by:

Clearwater’s VP, Consulting Services, Security, Dave Bailey
Dave Duclos, Director and Deputy CISO,  ITSEC/Cybersecurity at Christus Health
Dr. Thomas Graham, VP, CISO at Redspin
Robert Teague, Director, CMMC Services at Redspin

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Healthcare and the DoD: Preparing for CMMC Compliance

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