We know you have many questions. That’s why our team has curated top-notch resources to help you along your healthcare cybersecurity and compliance journey.
Compliance & Cybersecurity & Risk Management Blogs from Industry Experts
Multifactor Authentication: An Extra Layer of Security for Healthcare Organizations and Business Associates
While attackers have long had their eyes on healthcare organizations for the sensitive personal health information (PHI) in their coffers, the increased adoption of telehealth services and remote teams have added incentive to seek out evolving security weaknesses.
Owensboro Health on Taking Cyber Risk Management Beyond the EHR
Early in 2021, Owensboro Health decided to expand their cyber risk management strategy and initiate a continuous, comprehensive enterprise cyber risk management program through Clearwater’s ClearConfidence™ offering.
Understanding Health Apps, HIPAA, & the FTC: How They’re Connected & Why it Matters
Blood sugar monitors. Smartwatches. Heart monitors. Weight and exercise trackers.
In the last ...
A Look at Risk Analysis—9 Steps for Getting it Right
An effective risk analysis assesses assets across an organization, identifies risk and likelihood that risks will happen, and drives remediation efforts to reduce risks and protect patient data. Learn more about doing risk analysis right in this article.
A Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity: Adopting Best Practices is Critical
Tips to Effectively Fund Your Enterprise Cyber Risk Management Program (ECRM)
Tactical tips to stop accruing cyber risk management debt and strategic tips to fund the establishment, implementation, and maturation of your enterprise cyber risk management program.
New Requirements Increase Cyber Risk Management and Reporting Expectations for Healthcare Entities
An overview of new regulations coming regarding reporting and disclosures of significant cyber breaches and how to prepare.
Complying with HIPAA in an Amazon Web Services Environment
Across many industries, the last four years have shown a dramatic increase in cloud adoption and ...
Overcoming HIPAA Compliance & Cybersecurity Challenges for Digital Health Companies
Spurred in great part by the coronavirus outbreak of 2020, an increasing number of healthcare ...
21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability and Information Blocking and What it Means for Healthcare Organizations
Patient focus is at the heart of the Act, and as such, part of the legislation includes requirements designed to encourage healthcare organizations to adopt and implement more usage of electronic health records (EHRs) and promote more interoperability, or data sharing, between healthcare organizations.
7 Things Healthcare Leaders Should Know About 405(d) HICP
Whether you’ve been familiar with 405(d) HICP for some time or are new to the framework, here’s a quick rundown of the most important things you should know.
What’s Behind OCR’s Focus on Right of Access: Our Conversation with Roger Severino
Understanding HIPAA Compliance and the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for the Privacy Rule
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Across many industries, the last four years have shown a dramatic increase in cloud adoption and ...